Birth of a King
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Watch and Discuss:

500 years after the time of Daniel, the Roman Empire, the great military power Daniel predicted would come now ruled the world. In Jerusalem, the Romans put a local king, Herod, in charge.

As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions after you watch the video:

  1. Describe King Herod. What was he doing when Balthazar arrived to see him?
  2. How many others were with Balthazar? What kind of animals were they riding?
  3. What did the shepherds point to in the sky?
  4. Why were Mary and Joseph surprised at the end of the video clip?

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the dropdown box:

King’s servant: Sire. The Balthazar.

King Herod: Balthazar. Come. Wine?

Balthazar: You're very gracious, your majesty. I'd rather not. I , what can you tell me of the new king?

King Herod: King?

Balthazar: Of the Jews. Yes, what of him?

King Herod: King of the Jews? Am I something? Did you not come here to see the king of the Jews? Are you not looking at Herod, king of the Jews?

Balthazar: Of course.

King Herod: Then who is ,to be king?

Balthazar: No one. He's not born yet. It is a prophecy by the star.
Surely your
have received the revelation.

King Herod: Stars! Prophecies! You my meal for this?
Please go, if you don't mind.

Balthazar: Herod knows nothing. We follow the star.

King Herod: Where is this prophecy? Have you found it?

Scribe: Ah, here.

King Herod: Read it.

Scribe: Isaiah. “Therefore, the Lord himself will give us a sign.”

Shepherds: Look. look. there.

Scribe: “A young woman will conceive and give birth to a son.”

Joseph: Help us. Please!

Scribe: “He will be called ."

Joseph: Mary! I've got you.

Scribe: " ."

Joseph: Help us. Please!

Scribe: " God".

Joseph: Sir, we need help!

Scribe: " Father, Prince of Peace.”

Joseph: It'll be dry in here. Come on. come on.

King Herod: But I am the one who brings . Do you think some child could do that? Is it written where this Mighty Prince will be born?

Scribe: Micah says it will be Bethlehem.

King Herod: Bethlehem. the troops!

Joseph: Our son. Thanks be to God.

Balthazar: Lady, I believe your son is the king of his people. What is his name?

Mary: Jesus. His name is Jesus.

Matching exercise: Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right:

  1. astrologer
  2. claim
  3. counselor
  4. herald
  5. interrupt
  6. miss
  7. scribe
  8. treacherous
  • a. an advisora. an advisor
  • b. a messenger, announcerb. a messenger, announcer
  • c. to start talking or doing something in the middle of someone's conversation or activity.c. to start talking or doing something in the middle of someone's conversation or activity.
  • d. a person who studies how the positions of the stars and movements of the planets have a supposed influence on events and on the lives of peopled. a person who studies how the positions of the stars and movements of the planets have a supposed influence on events and on the lives of people
  • e. a person who copies something that is written, especially before the invention of printinge. a person who copies something that is written, especially before the invention of printing
  • f. dangerous, harmfulf. dangerous, harmful
  • g. to fail to understandg. to fail to understand
  • h. to state something is true, especially when there is some doubth. to state something is true, especially when there is some doubt

Completion exercise: Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of the word.)

  1. She the main point the teacher made.
  2. Shorter days are the of wintertime.
  3. A in ancient Israel copied religious texts.
  4. She that she has a college degree, but her spelling is terrible.
  5. The school and I talked about which courses I should take.
  6. The road down the mountain is in the snow.
  7. Our little boy always our conversations by asking questions.
  8. He wanted to be an because he was interested in stars and the planets.

Comprehension and discussion questions: Discuss these questions in your group or with a partner.

  1. Who was King Herod and why was he upset after Balthazar visited him?
  2. What information did Balthazar hope to get from King Herod?
  3. How did Balthazar and his friends find their way to where Jesus and His parents were?
  4. What information did the scribe find out about the coming king? ?
  5. Why do you think Herod said, “Gather the troops”?
  6. Where was Jesus born? Why do you think God planned the birth of Jesus to be in such a lowly place?
  7. Who came to see Jesus at the time of His birth?
  8. Why did the visitors who came to see baby Jesus bow down in front of Him?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries - | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa